If I could only recommend five oils to any mama with young kids, here are the ones I would choose. These oils are gentle and versatile, so they can be used for any number of things! I titled this post 5 Must-Have Oils for Kids, but I probably should have changed it to 5 Must-Have Oils for Mamas! Oh well, I'm on vacation, so it's too late to change it now!
Without further ado, here are my top five picks for kids/mamas:
Lavender • Lavender is sometimes referred to as the Swiss Army Knife of essential oils because it is SO versatile! If you could only have one oil, this is the one I'd recommend--it's gentle enough for sensitive skin and little babies, but it packs a powerful punch. When in doubt, Lavender! I love how it calms and soothes emotions and it's always what I reach for first when my kids get a boo boo. It offers support for the respiratory system, the nervous system, skin and hair, emotions, the muscular/skeletal system, and the cardiovascular system. Doesn't get any better than that!
Tea Tree • Tea Tree (aka Melaleuca) is also a very versatile oil. It is a must for eliminating odors (and every mama knows that kids come with odors!) and is also great to freshen up laundry when you inevitably forget to put the load from the washer into the dryer. Tea Tree is wonderful for your hair, skin, and nails, and also supports the respiratory and immune systems. I love mixing Tea Tree with Lavender in a roller bottle to rub on minor cuts, scrapes, and burns. I never leave home without my "Boo Boo Blend!" (Also works on clogged milk ducts, mamas!!)
Orange/Lemon/Any Citrus • Citrus scents might as well be my love language. I love how they freshen up a room or a bad mood. Did you know that citrus oils are both energizing (small doses) and calming (large doses)? They are balancing to the emotions, they help elevate moods, and they inspire focus. Citrus oils also provide great support to the digestive and immune systems. My personal favorite is Orange! (Just be careful when applying topically--citrus oils can cause photosensitivity, and we wouldn't want your little ones getting a sunburn!)
Gentle Baby • Gentle Baby is great for babies and mamas alike. Not only does it help calm and relax the little ones by supporting the nervous system, it's also great for the skin. It's so gentle that it can be used to make baby wash and diaper cream, yet it's strong enough to reduce the appearance of scars (stretch marks anyone?). Every mama needs this oil in her arsenal!
Thieves • Hello, protection and defense against germs! Thieves is actually one of the best oils for boosting your kids' little immune systems. I dilute it and put it in a roller bottle to rub on the bottoms of their feet. Thieves can also aid respiratory function, so sometimes I'll roll it on my older kids' spines when they're sick. But I also love love love diffusing it. Germs be gone! (Just make sure to dilute, as Thieves contains three oils that are considered "hot" to the skin!)Interested in getting these amazing oils for yourself? Three of them (Lavender, Lemon, and Thieves) come with the Premium Starter Kit, which is by far the best deal Young Living has to offer (11 oils, a diffuser, and extra goodies--over $300 in value--all for $160). If you aren't ready to take the plunge for the whole kit, but still want to try a few oils, that's okay too. I can help you get the all oils you want, so let me know how I can assist you!
I will definitely be posting more about the oils we love to use, so be sure to follow along! Subscribe to my RSS feed in the sidebar to get my posts delivered straight to your inbox so you never miss one.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose or treat any condition.
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