I'm here to share my skin care routine with y'all today. First of all, I've been using the oil cleansing method on my face for over four years now. I'm seriously in love with how it makes my face feel! Tea Tree is great for gentle cleansing and preventing blemishes.
I just recently learned about all the benefits of Frankincense for the skin, so I've added that to my beauty routine with a weekly sugar scrub. I also made a little roller with Frankincense and Gentle Baby to help reduce the appearance of old scars and fine lines. I'm hoping it'll help with the pesky dark circles I've been fighting since having Baby #4, too! (And bonus--the roller is great for stretch marks, too!)
On to the recipes!
Happy Face Wash (for daily cleansing and makeup removal)
- extra virgin olive oil*
- castor oil*
- 1-3 drops Tea Tree
2. Using a quarter-size amount, rub onto dry face using upward circular motion.
3. Steam face with a hot washcloth for about a minute.
4. Remove oil with washcloth and hot water.
* For normal skin, use equal parts olive oil and castor oil. For oily skin, try 1 part olive oil to 3 parts castor oil. For dry skin, try 3 parts olive oil to 1 part castor oil.
Happy Face Roller (for fine lines, blemishes, and overall healthful glow)
- 10 drops Frankincense*
- 10 drops Gentle Baby*
1. Mix in a 10ml roller bottle and fill the rest of the way with carrier oil.
2. Roll on face, concentrating on scars, blemishes, and fine lines.
* Or Lavender, Geranium, Tea Tree, Sandalwood, Cedarwood, etc
Happy Face Scrub (for exfoliation; I use once a week)
2. Roll on face, concentrating on scars, blemishes, and fine lines.
* Or Lavender, Geranium, Tea Tree, Sandalwood, Cedarwood, etc
Happy Face Scrub (for exfoliation; I use once a week)
- 1 tsp coconut oil (fractionated works best)
- 2 tsp sugar
- 2-3 drops Frankincense*
1. Mix oils in a glass bowl and add sugar, stirring to combine.
2. When ready to use, scoop some of the scrub into your hand and rub all over your face.
3. Rinse off with hot water and a washcloth or in the shower.
* Or Lavender, Geranium, Tea Tree, Sandalwood, Cedarwood, etc
Have you discovered the benefits of Frank for yourself? What oils do you use in your skin care routine?
Haven't taken the plunge into the oily life yet? I can help you take the first steps! Frankincense comes in the Premium Starter Kit, which is by far the best deal Young Living has to offer (11 oils, a diffuser, and extra goodies--over $300 in value--all for $160). Or, if you want to try Frank just by itself, that's not a problem. Let me know how I can assist you!
2. When ready to use, scoop some of the scrub into your hand and rub all over your face.
3. Rinse off with hot water and a washcloth or in the shower.
* Or Lavender, Geranium, Tea Tree, Sandalwood, Cedarwood, etc
Have you discovered the benefits of Frank for yourself? What oils do you use in your skin care routine?
Haven't taken the plunge into the oily life yet? I can help you take the first steps! Frankincense comes in the Premium Starter Kit, which is by far the best deal Young Living has to offer (11 oils, a diffuser, and extra goodies--over $300 in value--all for $160). Or, if you want to try Frank just by itself, that's not a problem. Let me know how I can assist you!
I will definitely be posting more about the oils we love to use, so be sure to follow along! Subscribe to my RSS feed in the sidebar to get my posts delivered straight to your inbox so you never miss one.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose or treat any condition.